
SplitterDevice GgCV19 3D printed - Open Source Project

Our purpose as a company has always been related to making a positive impact and tackle #GlobalChallenges through #Innovation and #Technology .

Our purpose has led us to solve this problem in cooperation with Cátedra Industria 4.0 - Universitat Jaume I (Castelló - Spain) - and the Spanish community #CoronavirusMaker in an open source mode, and only recomended for extreme emergencies.

The 3D printing SplitterDevice GgCV19 has been conceived to be able to apply multiple pulmonary ventilation to patients with COVID-19, with the sole purpose of addressing in extreme situations the possible shortage of hospital pulmonary ventilation devices.

Graphenglass has high 3D printing reproducibility and we are serving the hospitals’ needs altruistically. With the shared information, other 3D printers around the planet can reproduce the devices we share.

3D Printed Circuit
Splitter Device for Multiple Patient Lung Ventilation

Reproducible by DLP / SLA / SLS / FDM

PLA seems to work better than PETG

The COVID-19 condition/SARS-CoV-2 virus
has resulted in widespread ventilator shortages.

This device enables multiple patients to be ventilated with the one anaesthesia machine or intensive care ventilator.

Formal laboratory testing is pending. It is designed to be compatible with the international standards for 22 mm breathing circuits, Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment - Conical connectors - Part 1: Cones and sockets (ISO 5356-1:2015)

Related medical studies

2006 - ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2006; 13:1246–1249 ª 2006 por la Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (EE.UU)


2008 - 'Increasing ventilator surge capacity in disasters: ventilation of four adult-human-sized sheep on a single ventilator with a modified circuit.' desde la National Center for Biotechnology Information (EE.UU) del equipo de Paladino L.


2012 - Richard D Branson - Division of Trauma and Critical Care, Department of Surgery, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, con el nombre de 'Use of a Single Ventilator to Support 4 Patients: Laboratory Evaluation of a Limited Concept' (EE.UU)


20 de Marzo de 2020 - Erwan L'Her - Jefe del Servicio de Medicina Intensiva y reanimación del CHRU Brest (Francia) edita la a guía, PROTOCOLE VENTILATION MULTIPLE PANDÉMIE / CATASTROPHE SANITAIRE para su posible aplicación en aquellos hospitales que sea necesario.


25 de Marzo de 2020 - Splitting one ventilator for multiple patients - Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway – a technical assessment


Action protocols edited for COVID-19

21 de marzo de 2020 - Protocolo de Ventilación Múltiple con un solo ventilador para situaciones de Pandemia/Catástrofe Sanitaria, Comisión de Ingeniería Médica y Sanitaria del Colegio y la Asociación de Ingenieros Industriales de Madrid (España)


24 de marzo de 2020 - Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons New York-Presbyterian Hospital emite un protocolo de actuación, 'Ventilator Sharing Protocol: Dual-Patient Ventilation with a Single Mechanical Ventilator for Use during Critical Ventilator Shortages'


Related news

ABC - Una empresa de Castellón fabrica adaptadores para duplicar la capacidad de los respiradores en las ucis


CNN - New York will allow two patients to share a single ventilator


WSPA 7News - Prisma Health's new 3D printed ventilator device helps more patients at one time.


New York Times - 'The Other Option Is Death': New York Starts Sharing of Ventilators


Agencia Routers - One ventilator, two patients: New York hospitals shift to crisis mode


Wall Street Journal - Trump Administration Medical Panel Devises Ventilator-Sharing Protocol


Medium - A better way of connecting multiple patients to a single ventilator


Compassionate use of non-CE marked medical devices for extreme emergency situations.

3D Printed Circuit Splitter Device for Multiple Patient Lung Ventilation HAS NOT BEEN TESTED ON A HUMAN

In exceptional cases of necessity and urgency, in the interest of protecting the health of an individual patient and in the absence of viable therapeutic alternatives, a medical device without CE marking for the proposed indication may be used for compassionate use.

The consent for the patient and the procedure illustrated below refer to the laws of the spanish state, we do not know if they are also valid abroad. It is recommended to evaluate the eventually compliance of the device to the local laws.

The authorization of the Ministry of Health and the favorable opinion of the Ethics Committee are required for the compassionate use of a device.

Authorization for the compassionate use of medical devices without CE marking for the intended purpose requested.

PDF : SPAIN_Consentimiento_Splitte_Device_GgCV19.pdf


Are you an Hospital? We provide you for free with the devices you need.

Keep in touch with us by this mail: ggcv19@graphenglass.com

Logo Graphenglass

El proyecto «DESARROLLO DE NANOCOMPUESTO CERÁMICO CON GRAFENO» INNCAD00/18/015" se ha terminado con éxito gracias al soporte recibido por la AGÈNCIA VALENCIANA DE LA INNOVACIÓ (AVI). El proyecto recibe una subvención de 118.237 €.

Project financed by:

Agència valenciana de la innovació
Proyecto IMAPEA/2019/19 – preparación propuesta H2020 SME Instrument fase I de Graphenglass

El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar y comercializar una nueva categoría de material compuesto llamada Compact Graphene (CG). Nuestra tecnología patentada consiste en formulaciones específicas y métodos químicos para funcionalizar compuestos de polímeros + cerámicos con una pequeña adición de grafeno para generar un material disruptivo y rentable para el sector de la construcción con alto rendimiento técnico y capacidad industrial para producir increíbles celosías 3D.

El proyecto ha contado con la ayuda de IVACE dentro del Programa “PREPARACIÓN DE PROPUESTAS A H2020 (HORIZONTE-CV)” con una ayuda en forma de subvención de 5.625,00€. Esta actuación está cofinanciada por la Unión Europea a través del Programa Operativo FEDER de la Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020.

Diseño y posicionamiento web